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  • Leadership Theatre
  • C-Suite
  • Industry meet ups

26 November 2024

11:45-12:00 - Arrivals, Registration

12:10-12:15 Round the World Networking Lunch and introduction

Join us for a culinary expedition into the world of optimising service delivery from a global network.

12:35-12:55 Panel: Transforming the growth agenda and expanding your horizons through global collaborations

  • Learn about the opportunities presented through augmenting your delivery structures - cost optimisation, skills enhancement, and efficiencies.
  • Hear about how to navigate managing a project across borders and how to overcome interoperability challenges.
  • Explore the benefit of building delivery ecosystems through partnerships.

13:15-14:30 Lab 1 - GenAI: Reshaping the future of corporate strategy

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations are under constant pressure to adapt and transform. Yet, amidst the complexities of executing these transformations, the fundamental "why" – the strategic rationale driving the change – can become obscured. This disconnect between strategic intent and operational execution often leads to inefficiencies, cost overruns, and ultimately, limits the potential for long-term value creation.

A robust, clearly articulated strategy is paramount, providing the guiding light for successful transformation. However, developing such a strategy in today's data-driven world presents its own set of challenges. This is where GenAI emerges as a potential game-changer, poising to become an indispensable tool for organisations seeking to not only survive but thrive in the face of constant change.

In this lab, we'll explore how GenAI can reshape corporate strategy, moving beyond simply automating tasks to actively shaping strategic decisions. Don't just watch the AI revolution unfold—be a part of it.

In this session you will:

  • Understand the importance and benefit of having a robust strategy in place to inform your organisations transformation
  • Learn from real world case studies about the impact a well-defined strategy had on their transformation
  • Delve into how GenAI goes beyond traditional analytics, uncovering hidden patterns, generating creative solutions, and enabling more agile and data-driven strategic decision-making
  • Discuss practical approaches to integrating GenAI into your strategic planning process, tailoring methodologies to your organisation's unique needs and risk appetite.

13:15-14:30 Lab 2 - The transformational power of sustainability data

Delve into the detail of data and AI as a driver of growth and explore the transformative impact it can have on businesses across different functions.

Whether you’re responding to the increasingly complicated sustainability reporting regulations, or looking for growth opportunities sustainability data insights can drive across value chains, this session will illustrate what other organisations have learned from their transformation journeys.

We’ll explore what that means for industry, hear from organisations that prioritised data, digital and sustainability by embedding them at the core of their digital transformation, and discover how this positioned them to derive short and long-term value from their technology stacks.

13:15-14:30 Lab 3 - Immersive cyber crisis experience

Participants will be immersed in a cyber incident as a way to introduce the consistent themes and recurring decisions faced by organisations in a cyber crisis. The scenario will take the audience through the lifecycle of a cyber incident from the initial response, through to tactical recovery and into the likely rapid transformation required to not only survive but exploit the incident as an opportunity for growth.

This session is aimed at business leaders.

13:15-14:30 Lab 4 - Next Generation Transformation: How a new way of thinking helped recover Crossrail

It's not uncommon to hear about major, complex transformation programmes that are overrunning and overspending, despite being led by experienced individuals with programme management certifications. The traditional approach to programme delivery has remained largely unchanged since the space race, so it begs the question: is it time to explore a different approach?

During this session, we will share our experience and failures in delivering one of the world's largest engineering programmes, Crossrail. We will delve into what went wrong and how we pivoted to recover the programme. Drawing from our learnings from this and other large programmes, as well as studying the techniques used in Formula 1 racing, we have developed a new approach to delivering all types of large, complex programmes.

Join this session and:

  • Learn how to create the right conditions for success through deployment of enhanced delivery ecosystems.
  • Explore how to identify risks early so they become a diversion not a roadblock.
  • Discuss tactics for measuring the things that really matter, as well as gaining an understanding of transformation outcomes and value realisation.
  • Understand what role GenAI can play in transformation.
  • Explore how to start on this journey through hands on case study examples.

14:30-15:00 - Coffee break

15:00-16:15 Lab 5 - Navigating Complex Multinational Delivery Ecosystems

Due to the increasing complexity of technical delivery, the global footprint of modern organisations and desire for accelerated delivery, it is becoming increasing more common that organisations partner with an Ecosystem of suppliers to deliver Transformation. This has many advantages bringing a multitude of capabilities while simultaneously delivering onshore, nearshore and offshore. While it is advantageous it can also feel complex to manage and navigate.

As part of this session you will:

  • Learn how to construct a Delivery Ecosystem for success.
  • Discuss with your peers the challenges you’ve encountered with global delivery models.
  • Understand through case study examples, how organisations worked to successfully to deliver a global programme.

15:00-16:15 Lab 6 - Customer experience

Session details coming soon

15:00-16:15 Lab 7 - Transformation: test it, adopt it and realise the benefits

Transformation journeys, while promising progress and innovation, can be unsettling for individuals and teams within organisations. While leaders often invest significant effort in communicating the change and its intended benefits, fostering a sense of optimism and goodwill, these positive sentiments can quickly unravel if the transition is mismanaged. A poorly executed user acceptance testing phase for new digital solutions or ambiguity surrounding their integration into daily operations can lead to resistance, hindering adoption and the desired shift towards a digital-first culture.

In this session you will:

  • Understand how you can select the right projects and communicate the changes to your organisation.
  • Understand how change management is more successful when embedded into delivery and how a well-designed change initiative can drive adoption.
  • What does a good testing strategy look like and understanding why is it a critical part of the adoption lifecycle?
  • Learn about frameworks that can be used to measure success, ROI, and track benefits.
  • Hear from key clients on how they have executed their transformation and delivered the change across their organisations.

15:00-16:15 Lab 8 - Empowering Executives: Mastering the Art of GenAI – how does it really work?

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, executives are constantly seeking innovative solutions to gain a competitive edge. Understanding the untapped potential of generative AI is crucial for executives to harness the power of this cutting-edge technology. In our session, we will demystify GenAI, giving you hands on experience in what it is like for your teams using this new technology. Roll up your sleeves and experience, for example, the art of crafting compelling and effective prompts for AI models, and how to interpret the outputs. Join us as we explore the limitless possibilities of generative AI for creativity, innovation, and transformation.

During this session you will:

  • Understand what your teams will be doing on the ground.
  • Learn the art of crafting compelling and effective prompts for AI models.
  • Gain hands-on experience and real-world examples of prompt creation.
  • Master the skill of interpreting outputs generated by generative AI models.
  • Unlock valuable insights and make informed decisions through AI-generated outputs.
  • Gain a better understanding of AI/GenAI and the associated risks and ethical considerations and drive valuable solutions.


16:45 - Close, networking drinks and discussion

16:45-17:15 Close, Networking Drinks and discussion

Panel: On the board – Hear from members of the C-suite on career progression:

  • How do you make the board, and how do you stay there?
  • What are the biggest faux pas made by newly appointed execs?
  • How do you get and keep the attention and backing of the CEO?
  • How do you get the voice of AI, Data or Technology heard around the exec table?

17:45 - Day close

27 November 2024

08:00-09:15 - Arrivals, Registration

08:15-09:15 Chief Data Officer Breakfast (Invite only)

In this session we explore the core role data and insights play within any business transformation. As businesses transform, the role of the CDO is becoming more important. As a CDO, how can you ensure you are driving maximum value for the organisation?

  • Navigating C-Level politics – Strategies for getting your data and analytics project the backing and buy-in that it deserves.
  • Discussing the impact of AI on the CDO and how does this impact their role?
  • Should AI sit within the remit of the CDO, or should this be managed by a different senior stakeholder?
  • What is the Chief AI officer and do you need one?
  • Winning over hearts and minds – Strategies for creating visible business value creation.
  • Discussing the importance of demonstrating incremental successes as well as overall project success.

08:15-09:15 How to drive tech-enabled value-creation in PE, with Google and Deloitte (Invite only)

We would like to invite you to an exclusive breakfast with Google to discuss the impact of digital transformation in PE and hear of examples where our partnership with Google is leading to value creation in portfolio companies.

Over an informal breakfast session we will explore how PE firms can leverage technology to:

  • Identify value creation levers: Understand how GenAI and other digital interventions can transform the identification of value-creation opportunities across the investment lifecycle, from sourcing to exit.
  • Accelerate value creation in portfolio companies: Learn about practical applications of technology across operations, new business models, and customer acquisition, conversion and retention.
  • Navigate the evolving tech landscape: Gain insights into emerging technologies and their potential impact on investment strategies, efficiency gains and growth.

The session will feature open discussion from Google and Deloitte PE leaders, sharing real client examples (based upon Chatham House Rules) with c.10 PE industry leaders.

08:45-09:15 Future of work: unleashing innovation and productivity

  • Unveiling the AI landscape: gain insights into the latest AI technology and its impact on the workforce.
  • Exploring the impact of Generative AI on job roles and preparing the workforce for the future.
  • Bridging the skills gap: Discover strategies to identify and address the AI-related skills lacking in your organisation.
  • Embrace the change: Explore reskilling and redeployment strategies for employees affected by ai automation.
  • Ethical AI: Address the importance of diversity and inclusion in ai development and ensure unbiased algorithms.

08:45-09:15 Structuring your business operating model for success

  • Identify the key components of an effective operating model and their interdependencies.
  • Learn how to align your operating model with your organisation's strategic objectives.
  • Explore different operating model frameworks and their applicability to various industries.
  • Gain practical insights and best practices for designing and implementing a business operating model.
  • Discuss the challenges and considerations in restructuring your operating model for success.
  • Learn from real-world case studies of organisations that have successfully transformed their operating models.

10:00-10:30 Keynote Panel: Beyond Theory - UK Business Transformation in Action

Move past the theoretical and dive into tangible case studies of UK businesses adapting to an evolving landscape shaped by technological advances, geopolitical and economic shifts, and changing societal expectations.

  • Hear from C-suite execs as they share their insights and strategic approaches for successfully navigating change in today's dynamic business environment;
  • Discuss how the digital revolution is reshaping industries and the implications for business models and leadership;
  • Discover how global political and economic shifts, including the economic soft landing, are reshaping business decisions;
  • Explore the impact of evolving public sentiment and policy changes on business decisions.

11:00-11:30 - Coffee break

11:15-11:35 Meet up 1 - Insurance

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

11:15-11:35 Meet up 2 - Healthcare and Life sciences

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

11:15-11:45 A call for responsible AI: Exploring how we can ensure the future of AI is Ethical

As organisations increasingly rely on algorithms and AI models to make critical decisions, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability becomes imperative. We will explore ethical guidelines, bias detection and mitigation, and responsible AI practices to help organisations navigate this complex landscape.

  • Exploring the challenges faced by organisations when implementing AI processes and applications.
  • What do organisations need to be aware of and how can guard rails be set to ensure that the output can be trusted and used as a force for good?
  • Strategies for building and maintaining consumer trust in GenAI to drive business value and efficiencies.
  • Combating hallucinations – strategies to avoid AI spreading misinformation or infringing on privacy rights.

11:15-12:15 How the CHRO will enable GenAI activation for HR and for the enterprise (Invite only)

  • Explore the journey for HR in activating GenAI looking across:
    • Automate the operational
    • Employee Experience
    • Delivering meaningful Insights
    • Generate value
  • Exploring the role of the CHRO in supporting the enterprise through large scale transformation – enabling adoption at scale
    • Strategies for building trust and positioning data, technology and insights firmly within your organisations cultural fabric
    • Re-imagining core talent initiatives to unlock the right skills and capabilities to scale GenAI in the right way
  • Exploring the four faces of the CHRO – Assessing the impact of large-scale transformation on the skills needed and challenges faced

11:15-12:15 The evolving role of the COO: Delivering value and stability in a dynamic business environment (Invite only)

In today's rapidly shifting business landscape, COOs face mounting pressure to deliver both strategic value and operational stability. Evolving expectations from a diverse stakeholder group – including shareholders, investors, employees, supply chain partners, and critically, customers – demand that COOs navigate complexity and drive innovation at an unprecedented pace.

Featuring insights from both Deloitte experts and a client perspective, this interactive roundtable for COOs will look at critical topics such as:

  • Navigating evolving stakeholder expectations
  • Staying ahead of the technological curve
  • Managing evolving risk landscapes
  • Building organisational agility

This session offers a valuable opportunity for COOs to share practical strategies, discuss common challenges, and gain insights from industry peers navigating the evolving demands of this critical leadership position.

11:15-12:15 How can risk be at the forefront of transformation? (Invite only)

In today's increasingly complex world, businesses are having to operate in a constantly changing landscape, accelerated by technologies such as AI.

Safe and responsible transformation has never been more important. How can risk professionals ensure they are at the forefront of innovation, brought into strategic conversations around transformation, and better demonstrate the value of risk management in this space? The perception of risk is crucial. Championed by the Chief Risk Officer and risk leaders, the function must be seen as a valuable contributor, rather than a blocker to innovation.

Businesses must also consider the role of risk in transformation and how this impacts resilience. With many ongoing transformations needed for businesses to remain competitive, how is the risk of transformation execution and delivery considered, to ensure these transformations happen safely, and so risks can be exploited to realise the benefits of transformation?

This interactive lab session is designed for Chief Risk Officers and risk leaders across the three lines of defence. As well as hearing from Deloitte experts, you will be put into breakouts to discuss elements of this important topic with your peers.

11:30-12:30 AI readiness

Dive into the world of business transformation like never before! Join our immersive workshops where innovation meets excitement. Step into the realm of interactive activities, thought provoking discussions and hands on experiences. Uncover hidden opportunities, ignite your creativity and leave inspired to revolutionise your organisation.

11:25-12:30 Leadership Theatre 1: Inspirational storytelling

The ability to communicate the story of data or convey the business value of complex analytics is a key leadership skill.

This short, highly enjoyable and interactive workshop will introduce participants to key skills and techniques when being a ‘Digital Storyteller’.

Storytelling techniques can be applied to a range of business interactions, and are particularly vital during times of change and transformation to ensure your audience understands, remembers and is inspired by your message. Participants will explore tips and techniques to capture the imagination of an audience, exploring how small changes can have a profound effect on the way their audience perceives and engages with their material.

  • Understanding the elements & structure of a good story
  • Use of imagery, metaphor, suspense and disclosure
  • How stories can distil complex data and analytical concepts
  • Using body, voice and personality to maximise the energy and clarity of the message

11:25-12:30 Leadership Theatre 2: Agility, risk, and reward

In times of change and transformation a leader’s ability to remain responsive and agile is vital. But how does it feel to improvise in this way? To move away from the agenda and embrace the unexpected?

This highly interactive session draws on the skills of the performer and improviser to explore how leaders can maintain an open mind set and illustrates the challenge and reward that can come from taking a risk and trusting your instincts. The work is energising, thought provoking and will highlight how these skills can be applied back in the workplace.

  • Being present & engaged
  • Looking for the gifts in conversation
  • Saying ‘Yes’ to others and to your own instincts
  • Accepting and building on the ideas of others
  • Recognising and letting go of your agenda
  • Risk-taking and moving out of the personal comfort zone

11:45-12:05 Meet up 3 - Transport

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

11:45-12:05 Meet up 4 - Energy and resources

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

11:50-12:20 Data analytics and insights for digital transformation

  • Explore the role of data analytics in driving digital transformation initiatives.
  • Understand how organisations can leverage data to gain actionable insights and make informed business decisions.
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing data analytics in digital transformation projects.
  • Learn about emerging trends and technologies in data analytics for digital transformation.

11:50-12:20 AI and Sustainability – value drivers for the future

Join us as we move beyond the hype and buzzwords surrounding AI and discuss both real world use cases for AI in driving sustainability outcomes, as well as the environmental impact of the scaling up of AI itself.

This session is designed to encourage healthy debate and explore the multifaceted opportunities and challenges presented by an axiomatic shift in computing.

We’ll weigh up the economic and environmental costs of AI against the value of its undoubted and unrivalled potential to drive progress, and

  • Examine how AI can revolutionise sustainability practices, from quick wins in Sustainability reporting, to wider applications of optimising resource usage and predicting environmental impacts.
  • Engage in spirited discussions about the vast potential of AI to drive innovation and efficiency, while also addressing the ethical considerations and potential pitfalls.
  • Hear the accounts of industry experts on how they’ve navigated the pitfalls to leverage the power of AI within their business.

Don't miss this opportunity to participate in a lively debate, gain insights from diverse perspectives, and network with forward-thinking professionals. Equip your business with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of AI and lead the way in the sustainable economy of the future.

12:20-12:40 Meet up 5 - Defence and security

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

12:20-12:40 Meet up 6 - Public sector

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

12:25-12:55 Safeguarding the future with next-gen cybersecurity

  • Understand the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the need for next-gen cybersecurity solutions.
  • Explore the latest advancements in cybersecurity technologies and strategies.
  • Discover next-gen cybersecurity measures to protect organisations from sophisticated cyber-attacks.
  • Gain insights into the key components of a comprehensive cybersecurity framework for the future.
  • Learn from real-world examples of successful implementations.

12:25-12:55 Beyond the Numbers: Cost insights from the Deloitte CFO Survey and how attitudes are changing towards cost management

  • Explore the latest trends shaping the financial landscape, based on the most recent Deloitte CFO survey data.
  • Find out about the strategic opportunities these present, and how you can position your business to take advantage of them.
  • Gain an insight on the biggest barriers to success, and how best to set your organisation up for a successful transformation.

12:25-12:55 Panel: The successful Chief Data Officer

During this session we discuss what success looks like with a panel of experienced Chief Data Officers, focused on three core elements: vision, control, and influence.

Join this session as we cover:

  • Data culture and maturity, and the impact this has
  • Responsibilities, priorities, and challenges
  • Relationships with c-suite and influence
  • The four faces: how they spend their time and budgets
  • The impact of artificial intelligence


13:00-13:30 The dynamics of hyper-personalisation and AI in customer experience

  • Create meaningful interactions with your customers at every point in the customer journey
  • Understand what makes your customer unique, and how to tailor their experience
  • Explore the part that Generative AI can play in the customer experience

13:00-13:30 Building digital skills and capabilities for the future

  • Explore the skills and capabilities required for individuals and organisations to thrive in the digital age.
  • Discuss strategies for upskilling and reskilling employees to meet the demands of digital transformation.
  • Learn about the role of continuous learning and development in building digital competencies.
  • Explore partnerships and collaborations for fostering digital skills and capabilities in the workforce.

12:45-13:45 Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Technology Officer Lunch - Leveraging technology for competitive advantage (Invite only)

  • Discussion on the use of technology for efficient operation and higher margins.
  • Cost optimisation and revenue maximisation: Exploring the use of a platform strategy for market domination.
  • The concept of self-disruption: An examination of the role of a Chief Digital Officer in today's business landscape.
  • Technology and platforms as determinants of strategy: Case studies explored.
  • Technology and platforms as an enabler of strategy: Case studies explored.
  • Roundtable discussion: Technology as a Competitive Advantage: A panel discussion on the strategic use of technology for gaining a competitive edge in the market.
  • Combatting legacy architecture and ‘technical debt’ - Best practice advice for transferring from old legacy data products to newly built products while maintaining stakeholder confidence.

12:45-13:45 Storytelling as a strategic tool for growth

Getting your story right sets your programme up for success. It also helps you set the right strategy. Meaning you can lead from the front, navigate critical stakeholders and inspire others into action.

Join us to understand how Storytelling pulls through change more effectively, faster and with less risk. We’ll cover the science of story, what it is and why it’s powerful. We'll also talk through best in class examples, both with and without AI. Leave with a fresh take on how to use Storytelling as a strategic tool to drive business outcomes, strengthen relationships and cultivate relevance.

13:00-14:00 - Lunch break and networking

14:10-14:40 Trailblazing transformation: unleashing the power of 'firsts'

As the world and society changes, the Olympic and Paralympic Movements serve as both a mirror and a catalyst for transformation. It strives to lead the charge in embracing and steering societal evolution, while leveraging technology to work more efficiently and deliver the intended outcomes. In this dynamic environment, it is essential for leaders to embody boldness, courage and integrity as they navigate through this landscape.

  • Hear how the Olympic and Paralympic Movements embarked on their own transformation journeys ahead of the ‘Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024’.
  • Learn from a trailblazing Olympic athlete about taking that crucial first step, how to be resilient in the face of adversity and manage pushback.
  • Explore how the Olympic and Paralympic Movements are responding to and creating disruption in their environments.

15:20-15:40 - Coffee break

15:30-16:00 Combatting AI project failures

  • Examining the common pitfalls of AI and Data projects.
  • Determining your data weak spots and tackling them.
  • Discussing the benefits of automation and observability and implementation case study examples discussed.

15:30-16:00 Finding your perfect match... swipe right for your perfect technology partner

In a world of exponential technological growth and an abundance of feasible options how do you decide what’s right for your organisation? During this session we will:

  • Introduce a decisioning framework that can be applied to your organisation to help you identify the most appropriate technology to address the problem you are trying to resolve.
  • Consider how technology choices should be compatible with your existing technology landscape, business needs and capability.
  • Understand who in the organisation is responsible for making these decisions.

15:30-16:30 Navigating today’s challenges: a roundtable for CIOs (Invite only)

In this session we will explore the current issues that CIOs face in their roles, share best practices and collaborate on potential solutions.

We will open the floor for CIOs to share their most pressing challenges, such as:

  • Cybersecurity threats and risk management
  • Managing digital transformation and technological change
  • Aligning IT strategy with business goals
  • Budget constraints and resource allocation
  • Talent acquisition and retention in IT teams

15:30-16:30 Building a cost resilient business: unveiling strategies to sustainably optimise cost and boost productivity (Invite only)

In this session, we will explore with peers, 3 of the biggest challenges facing CFOs today in building a cost resilient business:

  • Beyond cost-cutting: Understand the importance of a strategic approach to cost management, focusing on long-term value creation and aligning cost reduction efforts with overall business goals.
  • Optimisation through innovation: Explore how technology and automation can be leveraged to streamline processes, reduce waste, and optimise costs across the organisation.
  • Data-Driven Cost Management: Explore how data can be used to gain deeper insights into cost drivers, identify areas for improvement, and track the effectiveness of cost-saving initiatives.

15:30-16:30 Getting ready for regulation: unpacking the latest in emerging AI regulation and its implications for AI strategy and compliance (Invite only)

This session is tailored to Chief Compliance Officers and will explore:

  • The evolving and complex regulatory and risk landscape for companies building and using AI.
  • How organisations can manage emergent global AI regulations and ensure compliant AI systems and models.
  • Effective strategies for AI compliance and managing regulatory audits, including potential no regrets actions to take.

15:30-16:30 Fast-track your AI advantage: balancing innovation with trust and control

Generative AI presents a world of opportunity, but navigating the evolving regulatory landscape and safeguarding your brand reputation are critical for success. This session delves into how to balance the pressures of compliance (including the EU AI Act) and brand protection with the need to deploy AI innovatively.

Discover how robust AI governance, powered by technology like IBM watsonx, not only mitigates risk but unlocks tangible business value. We'll explore how a proactive approach streamlines operations, reduces duplication in decentralised organisations, and accelerates time-to-market for AI-powered products and services.

Join us to bridge the gap between AI aspiration and practical implementation, ensuring your organisation can confidently harness the power of AI while maintaining trust and control.

15:30-16:40 Leadership Theatre 3: Inspirational storytelling

The ability to communicate the story of data or convey the business value of complex analytics is a key leadership skill.

This short, highly enjoyable and interactive workshop will introduce participants to key skills and techniques when being a ‘Digital Storyteller’.

Storytelling techniques can be applied to a range of business interactions, and are particularly vital during times of change and transformation to ensure your audience understands, remembers and is inspired by your message. Participants will explore tips and techniques to capture the imagination of an audience, exploring how small changes can have a profound effect on the way their audience perceives and engages with their material.

  • Understanding the elements & structure of a good story
  • Use of imagery, metaphor, suspense and disclosure
  • How stories can distil complex data and analytical concepts
  • Using body, voice and personality to maximise the energy and clarity of the message

15:30-16:40 Leadership Theatre 4: Agility, risk, and reward

In times of change and transformation a leader’s ability to remain responsive and agile is vital. But how does it feel to improvise in this way? To move away from the agenda and embrace the unexpected?

This highly interactive session draws on the skills of the performer and improviser to explore how leaders can maintain an open mind set and illustrates the challenge and reward that can come from taking a risk and trusting your instincts. The work is energising, thought provoking and will highlight how these skills can be applied back in the workplace.

  • Being present and engaged
  • Looking for the gifts in conversation
  • Saying ‘Yes’ to others and to your own instincts
  • Accepting and building on the ideas of others
  • Recognising and letting go of your agenda
  • Risk-taking and moving out of the personal comfort zone

15:40-16:00 Meet up 7 - Education

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

15:40-16:00 Meet up 8 - Banking

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

15:45-16:15 Digital Diversity & Inclusion

Dive into the world of business transformation like never before! Join our immersive workshops where innovation meets excitement. Step into the realm of interactive activities, thought provoking discussions and hands on experiences. Uncover hidden opportunities, ignite your creativity and leave inspired to revolutionise your organisation.

16:00-16:30 Meet up 9 - Retail

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

16:00-16:30 Meet up 10 - Telco media and technology

Connect with likeminded colleagues for networking and topical discussion.

16:05-16:35 Green ledgers: exploring the benefits of applying financial accounting principles to carbon

Businesses face increasing pressure from regulators, investors, talent, local communities and consumers to limit environmental impacts. Despite these policy and marketplace demands, many organisations lack the trustworthy data needed to confidently decarbonise.

A “green ledger” manages carbon data in sync with financials, establishing a double-entry carbon accounting system that achieves unmatched precision, granularity, and insight.

Join us as we explore how green ledgers can help businesses act on their climate goals by integrating emissions and finance data to steer and monitor their decarbonisation efforts.

16:45 - Closing and networking drinks

18:00-19:30 - Snowflake and AWS Drinks Reception