Deloitte TMT Schools Challenge 2018

Thursday 22 March 2018 marked the Grand Final of the TMT Predictions Schools Challenge, an initiative created to ‘plug the skills gap’ for our clients who report challenges in engaging young people with the skills and interest to pursue careers in the Technology, Media or Telecommunications (TMT) sectors.

The final showdown

Three Deloitte Access finalist schools were faced with an Augmented Reality (AR) challenge, set off the back of our TMT Predictions. The participating schools had to respond to a brief to create an innovative idea in either the retail, gaming or education sector and had to go head-to-head to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges from Deloitte, Blippar, Vodafone IoT and Amazon Web Services. During the Grand Final, students also got to meet ten innovative tech companies demo exciting products in our marketplace.

And the winner is...

City of London Academy Islington were crowned the winners with their ‘Eldercare monitoring device’, an app that would assist the elderly with timing and taking their medication. The judges commented that the idea had the strongest business potential and noted that it was particularly topical and useful in the current climate.

They were faced by tough competition from St Mary Magdalene Academy whose AR gaming app ‘The Occult’ would send users on a quest around London to historical sites. Maria Fidelis School also fought a strong game with ‘Polyglot’ their education idea which utilises AR to encourage students to study foreign languages.

After the winning school was announced at the Deloitte auditorium, all the finalist schools went with their teachers and coaches on a surprise trip to the London Eye.

Relive the highlights from the day

Take a look at the photos

More on the TMT Predictions Schools challenge

All of the schools involved in the challenge are part of the Deloitte Access programme, in collaboration with Teach First. Teams of students from across the UK worked with 2-3 Deloitte coaches in response to three briefs linked to the TMT Predictions report. In February, six schools presented at the Semi-Finals to a specialised group of judges, both internal and external to Deloitte. Three of these schools then qualified for the Grand Final and went head-to-head once more at the Grand Final to battle for a spot as the overall winner of the challenge.

Get in touch

IIf you have any queries or want to know how you can get involved in the Schools Challenge, please get in touch with the TMT Predictions team and keep up to date by following our hashtag #TMTSPC.