Explore the ideas we came up with

The 17 Club


What's the proposition?

We want to accelerate SDG progress by equipping businesses with best practice for embedding their role in society - and an understanding of what doesn’t work. Using case studies from companies with experience embedding their role in society, we will develop a toolkit for both hearts and minds.

How will we drive adoption?

A network of businesses to share actions and progress, challenge each other to go further. A central resource is needed to facilitate the club, review case studies and pull out principles. Aim to launch at UN Congress in 2019.

What are the bold first steps?

Identify the 17 founding partners and define their commitment via a charter.

Simple Reporting Mechanism


What's the proposition?

Creating a standardised, simple way to measure, report and communicate purpose activities. It will enable all stakeholders to understand and compare progress and social value. This will increase brand value, competitive advantage, leadership direction and freedom/power.

How will you drive adoption?

Effective comms to gain CXO buy-in. Needs tech capabilities / investment.

What are the bold first steps?

A commitment to collaborate from organisations  (cross sector, private / public, small/large) to develop a set of principles.

Change Agent Academy


What's the proposition?

Target middle management or influencers. Nominate a change agent to join a cohort of circa 18 months. They will receive support; change management training; coaching; can exchange ideas through physical meetups and a virtual community.

How will you drive adoption?

Companies benefit from new ideas; energy, skills, credibility / sponsorship.

What are the bold first steps?

Technology solution to create virtual community.

Long Term Values


What's the proposition?

A change comms plan to provide a common unifying thread / focus for employees.

How will you drive adoption?

Deliver through an incremental change plan. Test and pilot to generate proof points and quantify risk and future opportunity to influence C-suite.

What are the bold first steps?

Market engagement / focus forums with employees, customers etc.

Leadership – democratised purpose


What's the proposition?

Prevent inertia by inspiring colleagues at all levels to take a leadership role in embedding a commitment to wider society into business decision making. By supporting a ground up approach, gather more inspiring and authentic ideas, tested by people on the ground.

How will you drive adoption?

Share examples of existing effective models, through focus groups and online interaction.

What are the bold first steps?

Identify the clearest example of an effective bottom-up approach and promote it.

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