Explore the ideas we came up with

Innovation Portfolio Management


What's the proposition?

It will be the end to poorly managed innovation. For the first time people will know what to do with a good idea. It will allow business to share knowledge and govern based on metrics, translating innovation to value and increasing the rate of success.

How will you drive adoption?

This will provide risk management around innovation, and manage profitability/cashflow for CFOs and help COOs understand adoption/value of new ideas and employee engagement.

What are the first bold steps?

Know what's out there – carrying out the research into what exists today and establish funding.

Change the tone


It will create a sense of positivity around business and the environment needed to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs. We need to encourage the best talent to stay and invest in the UK – we are risk of losing them and our economic growth is on the line.

How will you drive adoption?

Post Brexit this is an opportunity to provide a longer-term vision and stability, amidst political uncertainty and to build trust in UK business. We’ll use sector success stories and ‘tone’ ambassadors.

What’s the first bold step?

Identify places to influence policy.

Quantifying Value Of Innovation


What problem does it solve?

It will provide a way for businesses to measure the success of innovation (good results and bad), allowing businesses to benchmark and justify the business case for innovation and long-term investment. It will be an easy-to-calculate score, and a safe space to celebrate success and failure.

How will you drive adoption?

  • Without this metric you can't measure success
  • External validation – e.g. Top 100 innovators
  • Make it personal – your role in your company
  • FOMO – fear of missing out
  • Early access to the benefits

What are the first bold steps?

Crowdsource current and desired metrics and use to shape proposition.

Diversity & Inclusion Challenge Fund


Who is this for?

This is a challenge fund for the next generation of entrepreneurs - those that are left out of the innovation economy, whether it be because of their gender, nationality, race, age or for socio-economic reasons.

It will unleash creativity, provide a home for good ideas, no matter where they come from, and contribute to inclusive growth for all.

How would you drive adoption?

  • Corporation tax – could we lobby for an innovation tax relief?
  • Microfinancing for smaller investments
  • Opportunity to access funding – consider existing groups as platforms

What are the first bold steps?

Find startup partners and develop the narrative.

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