Your suggested collaboration method



What is the deal? A business acquires a controlling stake in another company.

Best for: Big businesses wanting to diversify their offering and smaller businesses wishing to scale their market presence.

Works best when: Smaller businesses are open to the culture and identity of the larger firm, but are allowed to keep their own identity and operating style.

Reality check: Small businesses can get lost in a big company unless they receive top level sponsorship.

Key implementation steps include:

  • Establish clear objectives for the scaleup and for the acquiring company and define responsibilities of the acquired team.
  • Define clear testing phases of the acquired company to overcome fragmentations.
  • Create a new and different channel of communication for the start up to help them to avoid part of the corporate complexity that internal employees have to face.

Corporate Venture Capital

What is the deal? Businesses invest their money in aspiring external scaleups either to obtain a financial return or for strategic advantage. Scaleups benefit from funding and also from credibility by association, access to new customers and potential support for growth.

Best for: Big businesses who are looking to invest in the future of their business in a lean way, by taking multiple small bets, and early stage businesses who have a viable market proposition and are looking to scale up.

Works best when: The big business allows its innovative partner to operate and develop with minimal constraints associated with the investment.

Reality check: Aligning objectives, culture and timelines too rigorously can dilute the impact of collaboration.

Key implementation steps include:

  • Ensure that the Corporation has a “bridge” between the technical and non-technical people involved if it is not a technology company.
  • Ensure that clear expectations are set up at the beginning of the venture.
  • Ensure that you are able to influence company direction and decisions in order to achieve the desired outcome.
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