Mobile consumer quiz

We conduct an annual survey to find out how the Great British public are using their mobile devices, providing a unique insight into mobile consumer behaviour.

Want to see how you compare to the British public? Take our short test to find out what type of mobile consumer you are?
Laptop / Netbook
Digital camera
Mobile phone
MP3/MP4 player
Smart watch
Smart glasses
Wearable fitness & health tracker
Wireless charger
Smart watch
None - I'm smart enough!
3% of people in the UK are hoping to buy a smartwatch in the next 12 months.
Watch YouTube
Instant messaging
Listen to music
Social media
Send a text
Take photos
Access email
Make a phone call
Play games
Watch TV
A device can be either a laptop, smartphone, eReader, tablet, smartwatch or standard phone.
5 - 7
3 - 4
1 - 2
At home
Out and about
On commute to work 
A friend's house
At work
On holiday
I haven't connected anywhere
Double the amount of people connect their smartphone to Wi-Fi than a mobile network.
Already subscribe
In the next 12 months
In the next 24 months
When I don't have a choice
We found that 32% of UK 4G phone owners subscribe to a 4G network.
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Trend setter
Trend follower
Informed buyer
Cautious buyer
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
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