• Media and philanthropy - Leveraging reach and community

    The UK charity sector’s role in sustaining the fabric of communities is increasingly important as poverty spreads during the worst cost-of living crisis since the 1970s, at the same time as donations are weaker and costs are rising.

    Media play a crucial role in raising the awareness, engagement and donations to charities by individuals, the bedrock of income. Selected case studies of TV, radio and the press show how charities leverage their unique qualities to engage audiences across the UK.

    We highlight Gordon Brown’s landmark anti-poverty community-based Multibank initiative, which gifts essentials to those most in need, and has vital support from Sky, the Financial Times and News UK.

  • Generative AI: 7 million workers and counting

    Generative AI is no longer ‘emerging tech’. It has arrived. Its impact will be determined by how often people use it, what they use it for, and their understanding of its limits and its potential.

  • Business-to-Business data sharing under the EU Data Act

    Delivering to the regulatory requirement to share data in a fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory manner.

  • Trust in Telco - Understanding customer behaviour through Trust

    Trust is crucial, and Deloitte’s new methodology will help telcos measure, understand and improve it like never before.

  • Outlook for digital markets regulation in 2024

    At the start of 2024, during an unprecedented time of regulatory activity relevant to the digital economy, against a backdrop of continuing geopolitical change, we have set out our view of digital markets regulatory themes relevant to competition and consumer protection issues which we expect to be particularly important for the year ahead.