Environmental metrics

We continue to invest significant effort and resources to improve the environmental performance of our offices in a way that enhances the wellbeing and productivity of our people. This year we reduced carbon emissions from energy consumption by 23% per full time employee, through a combination of ongoing energy efficiency projects and estates rationalisation. We reduced our paper consumption by 9%, contributing to a 36% overall fall since 2011. This is due to the continued benefits of secure printing, and our GAAP publications going digital. We continue to reduce our waste production and divert 97% of waste from our-directly controlled offices away from landfill.

Case studies

GAAP goes green

Deloitte takes its GAAP manuals digital for the first time; making GAAP greener and faster.


There have been some challenges, in particular with our water consumption and travel emissions. We are undertaking remedial works in our London campus to address isolated but significant issues over the winter that led to an increase in water usage of 3% per FTE. We have also seen our travel emissions increase by 6% per FTE, cutting into the positive progress made in the last three years. Travel is an integral part of serving our clients and will remain so as we grow our global presence however, video-conferencing (VC) and online collaboration tools have real potential to help us to deliver low-carbon client engagements. Use of our VC systems increased by 35% in FY15 and we plan to continue enhancing these systems into FY16.

In FY16 we will place a renewed focus on managing our upstream and downstream impacts, particularly travel and procurement. We are currently undergoing certification as a pioneer for the Carbon Trust’s Supply Chain Carbon Footprint Standard. This allows us to further develop our sustainable procurement activities and use our buying power to positively influence the supply chain.

Carbon Emissions (tonnes CO2e)

FY13 FY14 FY15
Scope 1 emissions 1 4,150 4,068 2,834
Scope 2 emissions 2 14,565 15,280 12,331
Scope 3 emissions 3 38,375 36,782 40,186
Total emissions 57,090 56,130 55,351
Total emissions per FTE
3.93 3.81 3.59
  1. 1 We measure our carbon footprint using the GHG Protocol methodology. Scope 1 refers to all direct GHG emissions, in which we include gas consumption, generator fuel, fugitive refrigerant emissions and our owned-vehicle fleet.
  2. 2 Scope 2 are indirect GHG emissions from our consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam within our buildings.
  3. 3 Scope 3 are all other indirect emissions that we feel are significant to our operations, including our travel covering reimbursed private cars, rental cars, air travel, rail travel, bus travel, taxi travel and hotel stays; waste disposal from our offices; and transmission and distribution losses from our procured electricity.

Performance against Our Green Journey targets

Area Target
FY11 FY14 FY15 Progress (1-yr) Progress vs. target Target date
GHG emissions Reduce scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions (tonnes CO2e) by 35% per FTE 4.29 3.81 3.59 -6% -16% FY21
Energy efficiency Reduce emissions intensity from energy usage (tonnes CO2e) by 30% per FTE 1.51 1.34 1.04 -23% -31% FY21
Energy consumption Procure green electricity (where management is under our direct control) 0% 99% 98% - - Ongoing
Travel Reduce travel – related GHG emissions (tonnes CO2e) by 25% per FTE 2.76 2.40 2.54 6% -8% FY21
Video-conferencing Increase the usage of video-conferencing facilities (average minutes in use each month) by 50% - 35,775 48,147 35% 35% FY15
Waste production Reduce quantities of waste production (tonnes) by 20% per FTE 0.16 0.15 0.14 -11% -16% FY21
Waste management Send zero waste to landfill across our estate (where management is under our direct control) 98% 98% 97% - - FY16
Water consumption Reduce potable water consumption (m3) by 20% per FTE 8.76 6.99 7.23 3% -17% FY21
Paper usage1 Reduce paper consumption (kg) by 20% per FTE 58.13 41.08 37.48 -9% -36% FY21
  1. 1. This data has been restated to include the Swiss Firm.

Scope of Environment and Our Green Journey data is UK and CH.

View GHG Emissions Statement