Case study

Women on Boards: Improving diversity

Deloitte started the ‘Navigating the Boardroom: Women on Boards’ programme as part of its ongoing commitment to increasing diversity on boards and to encourage women to have the confidence to take on a boardroom role. We have just completed the fifth series of the UK programme, which has seen more than 100 women undertake the education programme designed to familiarise them with the skills and language used at boardroom level.

Women on Boards, run through the Deloitte Academy, is one of many initiatives aimed at changing the number of women on the boards of UK quoted companies. Lord Davies’ report, published in March 2015, showed women now hold 28 percent of non-executive director (NED) roles in the FTSE 100, compared with 12.5 percent five years ago. There are no longer any all-male FTSE 100 boards compared with 21 boards back in 2010.

The results of the Women on Boards programme shows that with a female-friendly approach we can have a positive effect on the number of women in board positions. Of the women who have attended the Deloitte programme at least two years ago, more than a third have gone on to become NEDs of UK quoted companies.

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