Summary of management metrics

Our management metrics are provided here alongside performance figures available from previous years.


  FY10 FY11 FY12
Total Revenue (£m) £1.95bn £2.09bn £2.33bn
Service line revenue (£m)      
Audit 570 586 663
Tax 481 496 529
Consulting 436 460 524
Corporate Finance 346 381 402
Switzerland 120 175 211
Industry revenue (£m)      
Financial services 546 665 758
Energy & Resources 153 148 182
Manufacturing 169 175 208
Public Sector 215 186 203
Business & Prof. Services 80 93 108
Tech., Media & Telecomms 153 220 253
Other 637 611 617
Overseas Revenue (as % of Total Revenue) 34% 34% 33%
Profit £590m £535m £569m
Average profit per partner £873k £758k £789k
Deloitte Employees (average no. FTE) 11,876 12,761 13,704


Workplace and Diversity

  FY10 FY11 FY12
Investment in Learning and Development £16m £19m £20m
Employee Engagement Index 63% 67% Figure not yet available for FY12
Learning and Development 69% 72% Figure not yet available for FY12
Inclusion 69% 72% Figure not yet available for FY12
Satisfaction with work 80% 82% Figure not yet available for FY12
Health and wellbeing No comparator 74% Figure not yet available for FY12
Standard Voluntary Attrition rate 14.6% 16.9% 14.7%
Women – Executive Roles 11% 16% 14%
Women – Board Roles (elected members) 10% 25% 17%
Women – Employees 42% 41% 47%
Women – Partners 14% 14% 15%
Inbound international secondments 389 397 432
Outbound international secondments 219 208 281
Number of candidates hired through BrightStart - - 36




  FY10 FY11 FY12
Scope 1 emissions (tonnes CO2e) 2,447 2,300 2,008
Scope 2 emissions (tonnes CO2e) 17,066 16,362 16,753
Scope 3 emissions (tonnes CO2e) 27,945 34,652 38,126
Total emissions (tonnes CO2e) 47,458 53,314 56,887
Scopes 1 and 2 emissions (tonnes CO2e) per FTE 1.67 1.46 1.37
Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions (tonnes CO2e) per FTE 4.00 4.18 4.15
Video-Conferencing (No. of meetings) 789 1,732 2,135
Business Travel (tonnes CO2e) 27,709 34,575 38,039
Business Travel (tonnes CO2e) per FTE 2.33 2.71 2.78
Waste Production (tonnes) per FTE 0.128 0.153 0.152
Water Consumption, London (m3) 99,470 73,756 75,587
Paper, Procured (kg) per FTE 555,382 540,141 517,099

Direct energy consumption by primary energy source

  FY10 FY11 FY12
Gas, UK (kWh) 11,395,665 10,316,677 9,168,411
Gas, Switzerland (kWh) 1,008,411 1,172,398 733,089
Diesel (litres) 407 692 660

Indirect energy consumption by primary energy source

  FY10 FY11 FY12
Electricity, UK (kWh) 32,058,541 30,746,630 31,508,796
CHP, UK (kWh) 616,632 587,867 597,366
Electricity, Switzerland (kWh) 1,420,646 1,291,853 1,057,774

Unless stated below, the figures in this table have been independently assured by Grant Thornton UK LLP, in accordance with their Independent Assurance Statement.



  FY10 FY11 FY12
Number of community volunteers 3,263 3,383 3,972
Community volunteering hours 44,932 50,625 58,758
Skill-based volunteering and pro-bono support to the community 74% 87% 82%
Value of employee GAYE contributions £0.581m £0.757m £1.020m
Partner and employee contributions £1.435m £2.011m £2.128m
Total firm community contribution £9.791m £11.163m £11.839m