Turbocharging the UK’s
economy in pursuit
of net zero

Event held on 4 June 2024

We’re delighted you joined us at the London School of Economics to consider how UK economic growth can be turbocharged by decisive action on sustainability and climate – and for your ongoing interest in the programme.

The event was a great success, but we can’t stand still.

Having heard from Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of England and United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action, on the critical shifts the UK will need to make to compete in the “re-wired” global economy we must harness the energy and commitment of the event.

On this site, you will be able to read about our key takeaways from the day, keep up to date with the programme as it develops, and look back on our agenda as well as our pre-read imagining a United Kingdom in the year 2035. You can also explore our upcoming events, which we encourage you to participate in as part of the wider programme.

Programme participation

The Growth 2035 Programme builds on the conversations and ideas that emerged from Turbocharging the UK Economy in Pursuit of Net Zero at the LSE on 4 June 2024. Its goal is to deliver concrete progress in pursuit of growth for the UK economy through accelerating ambitious action on sustainability and climate.

Find out how you can participate.

Key takeaways

We’ve pulled together a summary of our key takeaways from across the day, drawing on insights from Mark Carney’s speech, the panel discussion, and the breakout group conversations.

Our resident artist also created an infographic showing the key takeaways from the six breakout sessions. These insights will inform our future programme of activity to help break down the barriers to success in a net zero economy. (Click the image to see a larger version.)

Securing the UK’s net zero future: perspectives from 2035

This paper adopts the perspective of someone living in 2035 having witnessed the UK gain and consolidate early advantages in the global net zero economy. It offers a positive and ambitious outlook, underpinned by our belief that the UK can lead in the transition with the right action from all parts of the economy. We recognise that there are a number of potential pathways to net zero, and as a result this paper has not been created to provide a detailed roadmap, but rather to paint a picture of a United Kingdom that has fully committed to pivoting its economy towards net zero and is well on the journey towards delivering its legally binding net zero commitments – and to explore how that progress could be unlocked.

Upcoming events

3 September 2024 – Aberdeen
Offshore Energies UK – Business Breakfast

Join Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) and Deloitte at our next breakfast, Financing the Transition

Register here
19–20 September 2024 - London
Conduit Conference - The Green Jobs Revolution

The transition to a greener economy will require a diverse range of skills and expertise, making it an exciting area of growth and innovation. This conference will discuss how best to move to a more sustainable future through green jobs whilst ensuring social and economic equality.

Register interest

30 September – 1 October 2024 - London
Reuters Event – Energy Transition Europe 2024

Over 350 of the continent’s foremost energy, utilities, finance, and government leaders will come together to drive business model innovation, identify investment avenues and execute a low-carbon strategy that delivers ROI.

Register interest
29 October 2024 – Aberdeen
Offshore Energies UK – Business Breakfast

Join Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) and Deloitte at our October breakfast, the Future of the North Sea.

Register interest

6 November 2024 - London
Conduit Conference - Financing the Green Transition

Bridging the gap in financing the green transition requires a multifaceted approach. It requires a combination of government support, private sector involvement, technological innovations, international cooperation, and the active participation of financial institutions. This conference will bring together all these actors to partner for greater impact.

Register interest

Contact us

If you’d like more information about the event or future activities, please get in touch.