Rank Company Sector Region Growth
6 Brainlabs Media London 8255%
10 GoCardless Fintech London 6661%
19 Exsel Group Software Scotland 3936%
31 Smarkets Fintech London 2763%
33 Nervecentre Software Software South East 2702%
39 KANTOX Fintech London 2331%
40 Peppermint Technology Software Midlands 2331%
44 WorldRemit Fintech London 2104%
51 StarLeaf Limited Software London 1860%
54 FanDuel Software Scotland 1793%
57 PM Connect Communications Midlands 1616%
64 Aquila Insight Limited Software Scotland 1343%
68 Fairsail Software South East 1277%
75 RTX Routetrader Software London 1204%
80 RateSetter Fintech London 1175%
84 Funding Circle Fintech London 1135%
85 Ecrebo Software South East 1127%
106 Victor Internet London 946%
123 The Media Image Media London 846%
126 Ebury Fintech London 825%
140 Secret Escapes Internet London 747%
144 agency2 Media London 735%
145 Eagle Eye Solutions Ltd Software South East 735%
147 SIPHON Networks Ltd Communications South West 723%
150 Farfetch Internet London 710%
157 BookingBug Software London 678%
164 Vacancy Filler Limited Software Midlands 660%
177 Performance Horizon Software North East 603%
178 Azzure IT Software North East 599%
179 Epos Now Software Cambridgeshire and East 597%
180 Zopa Fintech London 594%
192 Kimble Software London 575%
204 Pitchup.com Internet London 548%
211 Dealflo Software London 532%
213 HealthUnlocked Life Science London 532%
225 Speechmatics Software Cambridgeshire and East 504%
238 Fonix Communications London 480%
256 LMAX Exchange Fintech London 458%
258 In Touch Networks Internet North West 454%
259 Managed 24/7 Ltd Internet South East 453%
272 Horizon Discovery Life Science Cambridgeshire and East 423%
274 Cloud Technology Solutions Software North West 412%
278 Quill Internet London 407%
282 Brandwatch Software South East 401%
284 CommAgility Hardware Midlands 400%
291 Featurespace Software London 389%
307 Skyscanner Internet Scotland 377%
315 Prepaid Financial Services Fintech London 367%
341 True Potential LLP Fintech North East 337%
342 Exco InTouch Life Science Midlands 336%
352 I-Qubed Solutions Ltd Software London 330%
358 Green Man Gaming Software London 323%
360 Me Learning Software London 322%
376 Just Eat plc Software London 314%
391 NewVoiceMedia Software London 299%
394 Ecometrica Software London 294%
403 Affectv Ltd Media London 287%
424 Timeline Television Ltd Media London 270%
428 Enjoy Digital Communications Limited Media London 267%
429 Chargemaster Plc Hardware London 266%
435 Egress Software Technologies Ltd Software London 260%
442 Venus Business Communications Ltd Communications London 257%
448 LDeX Group Limited Hardware London 251%
470 Conversion Factory Media London 233%
475 Wifinity Limited Communications London 231%
490 IAM Cloud Ltd Software London 218%
491 Viastak Ltd Software London 216%
494 Touchnote Software London 214%
495 POD Point Hardware London 214%
497 Catexel Limited Clean Technology London 213%