Sustainability Simulator

Do you wonder what business might be like in a net zero world? Open to anyone from any industry, at any level, join us for this 1-hour interactive session and Enter Net Zero...

None of us know what the future holds, but we do know we need to engage everyone in shaping it, today. In a world where the climate change narrative can feel bleak and overwhelming, it’s not always easy to envisage positive outcomes. But business needs to help create the solutions to climate change. And there are opportunities to develop new products and services, and play an active role in a transformed net zero economy.

This is why we’ve teamed up with award winning immersive theatre company SWAMP MOTEL, so you can experience some of the ways in which the world, and business, might change if we reached net zero.


  • Enter Net Zero takes you to an imagined world that is on its way to reach net zero.
  • In this world, industries have evolved and responded to the threats and opportunities that climate change presents.
  • You’ll explore what the future of energy and infrastructure; shipping and transport; food and agriculture; real estate; carbon capture and offsetting might be like.

You will take on the role of an investor and you will need to uncover different businesses across different industries to determine the investment opportunities with the strongest ESG credentials.

You will be working in small groups, enabling discussion and debate on your investment choices. The experience itself takes about 45-60 minutes.

While the experience is based on science and research, with much of it inspired by Deloitte’s own insights, we’ve added a touch of creativity to bring it to life. It’s an imagined vision of what a net zero world might be like.

View all of our latest thinking and research around AI, analytics and becoming an insight driven organisation.