UK Technology Fast 50

Nominations for 2024 have now closed

  • 22 April 2024

    Nominations opened

  • 11 July 2024

    Nominations closed

  • November 2024

    Winners to be announced

UK Technology Fast 50 Awards

The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 is one of the UK’s foremost technology awards programmes. Each year we highlight the 50 fastest growing tech companies in the UK.

Over the past 27 years, the high growth sector has transformed in lockstep with the meteoric rise of the UK tech scene. As the UK’s longest running business growth awards programme, we have been there every step of the way, celebrating some of the most successful start-ups of the last few decades. Find out more about the awards here.

Why apply?

What would winning mean for your company? Being recognised as a Technology Fast 50 winner is a prestigious benchmark of success, and offers companies:

  • Enhanced brand and customer recognition
  • Increased visibility with investors
  • Positive influence on employee recruiting, retention, and morale
  • Local, national, and social media exposure
  • Valued networking opportunities at exclusive Fast 50 winners’ awards ceremony

Award categories

UK Technology Fast 50

A ranking of the UK’s 50 fastest-growing technology businesses, based on percentage revenue growth over the last four years.

Women in Leadership

Recognises companies within the Technology Fast 50 ranking that are either led by a female* CEO or have a founding team comprised of at least 50% women.

* The terms ‘women’ and ‘female’ are taken to include all those who self-identify as women or female and engage with their current colleagues/company as such.


Recognises climate technology companies within the Technology Fast 50 ranking for their contribution to the UK’s net zero target.

Regional Winners

The fastest growing companies within each region of the UK. 'Region' is determined based on where your Head Office is located. View the definition of regions here

Rising Stars

Each year Deloitte and our programme sponsors nominate Rising Stars. This award recognises the innovation and achievements of UK tech businesses who are leading the way, but aren’t yet eligible for the Technology Fast 50. This may be because they haven’t been operating for four years, or their year 1 revenue doesn’t meet the eligibility threshold. Learn more about the eligibility criteria here.

You only need to submit one nomination form. Depending on your eligibility, you will be automatically considered for four tech award categories: UK Technology Fast 50, Women in Leadership, Regional Winners and CleanTech.

Find out more about our technology award categories here.

EMEA Technology Fast 500 ranking

Supported by the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 initiative, this objective industry ranking programme recognises the top 500 fastest-growing technology companies in EMEA.

All businesses who submit a nomination for the UK Technology Fast 50 will be automatically submitted for the EMEA Technology Fast 500. Find out more about the EMEA Technology Fast 50 programmes.

Find out more